We professors read
everyday, some of us write everyday, and we tend to lecture anywhere from 1 day
to 5 days per week depending on our position. For readers of this blog, I wanted to give two quick reading references that I
think are worth the effort.
I often don't agree with John Cassidy, but his articles that have appeared in
The New Yorker and in the New York Review of Books are always intelligently
written. He writes sophisticated pop economics from the left. I
don't find him shrill (Paul Krugman has that covered) and I don't find him
uninformed (Naomi Klein has that covered). He currently has an essay on George Soros's new book on finance. Soros
has always fancied himself as not only an amazing investor, but a financial
theorist and a social philosopher. Soros is not
as deep a thinker as he thinks, but his discomfort with mainstream models of
economics and finance is not completely unfounded. His social philosphic doctrine is also not as original as he thinks,
but the culture of criticism and free discourse he envisions is not
horrible. He is in a fundamental sense a one note wonder ---
"reflexivity" in finance, and "open society" in social
philosophy. But Soros is unable to see
the connections between the two and why that would lead to a more open system
(both in economics and politics). Instead, Soros
sees the need for interventionism and even government control, but somehow it
will be run under the principles of a open
society. Complete and utter innocence of public choice,
and the revealing of a fundamental ignorance of mainline economics from David
Hume and Adam Smith to Ludwig von Mises and F. A.
Hayek. Soros is a casualty to the
victory of general competitive equilibrium in post 1950 economics,
combined with a desire to be part of the hip crowd on the social democratic
left. Anyway, Cassidy's essay is very good and it reflects the informed
opinion of thoughtful critics of the market economy. There are some very
good points in there to think about.
Amar Bhide has a new book
out, The
Venturesome Economy: How Innovation Sustains Prosperity in a More Connected
World. This is a brilliant work and should be on everyone's
reading list for the holidays. Seriously.
Bhide demonstrates through detailed examination of the facts how the mechanisms
of innovation actually work to spread knowledge, realize the gains from trade
and realize the gains from innovation throughout the globe. His work
seriously challenges the policy consensus in Washington about technological
innovation. To put it bluntly, economic progress is a function not of
state funded basic research, but of the development of technological
applications in commercial endeavors.
Bhide is not only spot on when it comes to this point, but I think his chapter
"On Methods and Models" might provide one of the best discussions of
the shortcomings of econometric analysis for questions dealing with economic
development and change. (Bhide doesn't develop this argument, but he does point
out in a fn on p. 245 that one of his criticisms applies to the legal origins
literature and so should be of interest to many readers of this blog).
Finally, as this crisis unfolds my attentions have been brought back to the
Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle. A lot of comments on this blog have made reference to work by Mises
and Hayek, but actually the current events and the discussion of the reasons
for our troubles resurrects in my mind the great contribution that Murray Rothbard made with America's Great Depression.
Unfortunately, we will need not just a reprint of this great work, but a
rewriting of the book applied to our new situation by somebody who has the
theoretical command of the issues that Rothbard had,
the ability to write in plain language in a clear and forceful manner as Rothbard had, and by somebody who has the skill to write
history the way Rothbard did. And finally, the
courage to actually take the principled stance on liquidation and market
adjustment in the face of a tidlewave of
"pragmatic" concessions to practical politics.
My advice to young Austrians --- read Rothbard's
classic and take his example of bold and courageous scholarship to heart.
ADDITIONAL READING: After writing this post, I was alerted to Sheldon Richman's FEE opinion piece today. It is awesome.
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Frederic Sautet: An Entrepreneurial Theory of the Firm
Peter Boettke: Calculation and Coordination: Essays on Socialism and Transitional Political Economy
Paul Heyne: The Economic Way of Thinking (11th Edition)
Peter J. Boettke: The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek (Intellectual Legacies in Modern Economics series)
The Legacy of Ludwig Von Mises (Intellectual Legacies in Modern Economic)
Peter J. Boettke: The Political Economy of Soviet Socialism: the Formative Years, 1918-1928
Peter J Boettke: Why Perestroika Failed: The Politics and Economics of Socialist Transformation